
Tech-Savvy Company

Your Partner in Software Development, Development and Operation Sevices, Virtual Assistance, Graphic Design, IT Consultancy and Branding Solutions.

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Our Team

our Team's ultimate goal is to help clients achieve their business objectives Designing, branding and IT development. We understand that every business is unique, and we work closely with our clients to yield tangible results and help them stay ahead in the competitive digital world.

This is the Code applied by the Team code of Conduct that is adhered to by Tech-Savvy Squad.


SE. Kelvin

C.E.O | Web Developer


Mr. Sitati

Graphic Designer | UI/UX Expert

The Tech-Savvy team is a dynamic ensemble of industry specialists, each contributing their unique expertise to our projects. Our software development team combines technical brilliance that seamlessly blend innovation and user experience. our IT consultancy team navigates the IT landscape, offering strategic guidance that optimizes systems and empowers businesses to thrive.

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Recent Work

Recent works at Tech-Savvy include innovative software development projects, creating impactful branding solutions, and providing expert IT consultancy. Our team's focus on technology, creativity, and strategic guidance ensures clients receive tailored solutions that drive growth and enhance their digital presence.

Tech-Savvy Pricing


Software Development

Android dev't

Web Dev't

web design



Branding & Digital Marketing

Digital Content Creation

Social Media Marketing

Graphic Design

Digital Design Printing


Academic Writing

Technical Non-technical essays

Economic Essays

Business Analytics

Computer Science

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